
Surprise Album Release!  

I'm about as surprised as you are, but a pile of songs showed up last month; I had started to record them just as demos, but quickly realized that I was capturing something worth sharing. The album is called The Speed Of Nature and you can pre-order it here - it's a pretty bare-bones, DIY campaign with no kickstarter or merch, just music. But you can check out some of the songs and reserve a digital or physical copy and there's also room to leave a donation if you feel moved :-) Excited to share these songs with you in a few months! Release date is 6/30/24. 

The Poet Tree Available Now!  

Super excited to let you know The Poet Tree is available starting today! It's on all the major streaming services as well as iTunes, and of course available here on my website as a CD or download. Check out the merch while you're listening, there's some pretty cool stuff for this album! Including some really beautiful t-shirts, embossed journals and coffee mugs. Thanks for your support and hope you <3 the music :-)

The Poet Tree Release Date!  

Excited to let you know that my new album, The Poet Tree is coming out next month on December 10th! Which happens to be Emily Dickinson's birthday :-) The album is a collection of poems set to music and I pretty much played only piano on this one - it's a very different sound with cello, strings, brass and lots of vocal harmonies and I had an absolute blast making it. It features poems by Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Sappho, e.e. cummings, Edna St. Vincent Millay, a guy called “Shakespeare,” and some other great and lesser-known poets. Most of who, by choice and coincidence, happened to be LGBTQ. It was a real departure for me and a very different way of working and ended up being SUPER inspiring (I already have a Volume II in the works!) Available for pre-order here and on iTunes starting November 25th! 

Kickstarter for The Poet Tree!  

Just launched a Kickstarter for this album I've been working called The Poet Tree! It's a collection of works by my favorite poets that I put to music after I got sober and locked myself in a room for a month with a piano. So it was a pretty deep dive, but the end result is kind of sublime :-) Check out the video and backstory at Kickstarter and hope you'll consider becoming a pledging/supporting! 

The First Noel & Other Freebies :-)  

Hey there! I just uploaded a version of The First Noel I recorded this past week - it's available as a free mp3 along with some other tracks from years past. Feel free to download and share! Hope you have a great holiday season and new year, look forward to catching up with you in 2023 :-)

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** Upcoming Shows **



Wed. 10/16

Artful Wednesdays
University Of Pittsburgh



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